Showing posts with label 3 Phase Transformer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 3 Phase Transformer. Show all posts

Thursday, 12 July 2012

Go Dark or Transform with Transformers

Infrastructure is at the apex of the ingredient list for the development of a powerful economy, electricity being its chief structural constituent. India has a massive hunger for electricity and this is scaling up steadily, though the economic growth of the country has been more fast-paced. So, striking a balance between the demand and supply of electricity is very important and this ideally summons for the use of energy efficient transformers by the electric utilities to save huge amount of energy for future needs.

Everyone will be powered with power by 2012 is what the Ministry of Power has set its mission for the 11th Five Year Plan. In the next 5 years, India will witness the need of 66,000 MW capacity of new generation with tuned investment in transmission and distribution sector. Statistically, there would be a requirement of 2.25 million transformer units of the average rating of 63 KVW in the next 5 years on the basis of the need of 7-8 MVA transformers for generation of 1 MW of new capacity. There would also be some replacement demand along with fresh demand as the life of transformers is likely to be 25-30 years. Hence there is enough potential in this sector for the transformer manufacturing companies to tap. To make power available to all by 2012, the strategy is to promote the use of energy efficient devices to conserve electricity, this being the cheapest option to bridge the gulf between demand and supply.

Transformers being the central point of any electrical distribution system, energy efficient transformers like the preference of three phase distribution transformers over one phase transformers is encouraged as almost 185-354 MW of capacity creation in the distribution sector through efficiency of energy alone is needed in India. Moreover, loss is also to be controlled by using high performance raw materials for making the core of the transformers like special steel as there is some inherent loss in the process of transformation of power in the transformers. Advanced technology and low loss designs are also to be infused in the making of quality transformers  which in turn would be taking care of the financial health of the sector.

Wednesday, 27 June 2012

3 Phase Transformers and Their Role in Power Distribution

One may be forced to think that 3 phase transformer is indispensable and are extremely important in stepping up and down of voltage. This is in fact partially true, no one can deny the importance of 3 phase transformer in this regards but in reality the same work can be done with the help of a group of single phase transformers as well. In reality regular single phase transformers can be merged together to transform power between two 3 phase transformer in numerous variety of configurations. But everyone and everything has its place of importance. 

The lesser amount of material required to construct a 3 phase transformer and their greater efficiency make them the perfect suited transformer for undertaking these power distribution work. This is a fact that they are of small size & weigh less than their modular counterparts and because they are more in demand.
A three phase transformer is made basically from three sets of primary and secondary windings. One leg of iron core assembly is wound by each set of windings. The structure looks more or less 3 single phase transformers which are sharing a single joined core. The power transformed and stepped down from the main power station is send for domestic and industrial purpose via the thick cabled wires. The fact that 20KV of high voltage is quickly turned into 220V of power is an astonishing achievement in itself and 3 phase transformer is perfected to do this speaks volume of its importance.